Free Resources

Over the years of working with clients, I have created a series of resources, to show you what nutrition can really bring to the table (pun intended).

Feel free to download my most popular resources below to get an introduction on my work and the power of nutrition.

Expect to receive even more resources via email as a thank-you for being part of my community.

Food Inspo

The nutrition advice out there can often feel confusing and ever changing. Let me do the translation work for you into real life meals.

You may also think that cooking for fertility means sacrificing on flavour and spending hours in the kitchen to just end up eating lots of kale.

Definitely Not! I strongly believe that cooking for any health goal (but especially for fertility) can be full of flavour, colours, healing nutrients and, dare I say, also sexy.

Get my most popular recipe ideas and meal plans: all the food inspiration you need to get started.


If you’ve known me for a while, you may know that being a guide on fertility testing - but not only - is a fundamental part of my 1:1 work with my clients.

You’ve been going round in circles, with all the research, the GP appointments, Everything is “normal” yet nothing is changing month after month.

You can become your own fertility detective.

Download my Advanced Fertility Testing Guide with 6 important tests your doctors have probably not done, but can provide the answers you’ve been searching for and the key to the parenthood journey you deeply crave for.