Preconception Program Signup Page

We have had a discovery call and now you are ready to jump on board and join Root and Leaf’s Preconception Package, to start making meaningful changes to your nutrition and lifestyle that will support your fertility and improve your chances for a healthy pregnancy.

Here are the next steps for you:

First of all, book a consultation slot below that suits your schedule.

A payment will be requested at this stage but it will apply to the duration of your whole program. Please email if you require a payment plan.

The first consultation will last 90 mins but be warned, this can often go beyond that, so please reserve up to 2 hours for a couple’s consultation.

Important: before coming to your first consultation, in order to make the most of it, please fill in your Nutrition Questionnaire here. This applies to both partners joining the program.

The filled in and signed questionnaire(s) should be sent at least 24 hour before your consultation and can be done online using my client management platform called Penocchio.

Finally, please sign the Terms and Conditions of my program here

You will be reminded of these steps in your confirmation emails.